Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
I agree, PB. Still don't get it why Avellino got only 10 years for that double murder (Kubecka and Barstow). In the USA the mafia has killed less innocents that in Italy, but in this particulas murder there really should have been an exemplary sentence, and the hitmen weren't even prosecuted I think.

By the way, what's the big deal with Senter and Testa never ratting? In my opinion, that doesn't make them better to the slightest degree, it's like with Amuso and Casso: both are basically the same, yet Amuso gets more respect just because he didn't testify. It's as if Casso was a scumbag ONLY because he is a rat, NOT because he is a murderer (I am not referring to you, but there were some people on another blog who reasoned like that).

Well u asked PB but I'll butt in with my 2 cents. I have a problem with rats because they're lower than the rest. They're not ratting because they realized that the life they lived was wrong and they want to put the bad guys away. They're ratting cause they got caught and they're weak so they screw their partners and friends.

Make that coffee to go