Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Well I do agree with you pizza. If these guys were drowning I would throw them cinder blocks. That being said, if it comes down to who do I dislike more, serial killer sociopaths who don't rat and serial killer sociopaths who sell out everyone and get out of jail for doing so, I gotta go with the latter.

Well, sure. But those guys crossed the line where street guys are concerned. They obviously got to the point where they killed for sport, or fun, or whatever you want to call it.

I'm glad they were captured and put in a cage the same way I'm happy that Berkowitz was captured and put in a cage. But if I was in a bar with the three of them, I'd obviously have more in common with the "twins."

Case in point gravano. Complete psychopath kills 15 people and walks out of prison after doing less then 10. Then what does he do? Shocker, he gets pinched for selling ex. And no matter what his fat pig of a daughter says, he brought his entire family into that operation.