Nola like many big cities (100,000+) have its dangerous areas like anywhere else in the South, but your chances of randomly being shot in the wrong neighborhood is low. Majority of people harmed or killed in that city either A. Drug dealers issues or B. Know each other. I know of the recent shooting that's been broadcast on the news, it's still the latter case (B.). Of course you have to watch out for robbers & jackers. As for Memphis, whistle
I know of 29 hoods in that city. Downtown , Midtown, & Eastside of Memphis Is generally the least crime areas. Few parts of North side & South side as well. It's nothing new since Memphis been murder capital back in the 1920s uhwhat

Generally the South is most violent region of the states.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb