Pasquale Natarelli, alias Pat Titters, was born July 9,1910. He is now living at 6O Manchester Place, Buffalo, N.Y. He Is married and has previously worked as a salesman, truck driver, laborer, counterman, small businessman, and gambler.
Natarelli is an associate of Joe DiCarlo of Youngstown, Ohio, and Buffalo, N.Y.,Fred Randaccio also known as Fred Lupo, Salvatore Bonito, Stefano and Antonio Magaddino of Niagara Falls, and Roy Carlisi of Buffalo,
He was picked up for at least 25 juvenile charges.
Besides these, Natarelli has been arrested for robbery first degree, robbery second degree, burglary, larceny, violation of parole, possession of policy slips, and contriving a lottery.
Early in his career, Natarelli worked for Joe DiCarlo. Later he and Fred Randaccio were partners in the rackets and gambling including bookmaking, numbers racket, and crap games.
Natarelli is still a close friend and associate of Fred Randaccio, alleged top man in the Buffalo area, protecting the interests of "the old man" Don Stefano Magaddino. Natarelli could be classified as a first lieutenant to Randaccio, and also one of the muscle men with responsibilities over some of the gambling interests as related to the mob.
Besides Randaccio, Natarelli is a close friend, and in the past a business associate of John Cammillieri, and Steven Cannarozzo, three of the men who make up the nucleus of the underworld element in this city.

"Jersey...It's where my story begins."