I think we are definitely on different pages. However we will surely have an answer soon enough, I side is gonna be wrong. You talk of people being shelved, guys like little Georgie & the neck don't get shelved!! For some of you guys just browsing this thread and maybe not familiar with this guys or maybe read a little about them, let me put this in perspective. Crea and the rest of the guys around him and his loyalist are like boy scouts, and Zappola & Conti are like seal team 6. If they didn't go to jail they would be without question running the family now proof of that is Frankie bones's 2nd and 3rd stringers were in key positions while there were away. Anyway I'm gonna end my opinions on this so we can clearly move along. This is the final time I'll post on this topic if you wanna debate pm me

"He who never was can never be, He who was has always been and will always be." Sun Tzu

You can read about it, watch movies and TV documentaries, but chances are unless you lived it you will not truly understand.