A. Your whole response is nonsense. Did you read what I originally responded to? Man, I'm writing to a brick wall. I'll spell it out for you one last time. A previous poster made the claim that Republicans are against all regulation. I responded by saying that assertion is not true, it's a straw man. Republicans are against over or excessive regulation. I didn't write anything about Democrats. Get it now? Do you now understand? If you still don't get it, then maybe you need to repeat a few grades or check into a special education program.
B. The point isn't moot. Your response was moot. Again, a previous poster made the claim that the Mafia practices capitalism and I responded to it. What you wrote agrees with me, so there's no point to you writing anything on this issue at all.
C. Both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton said they believe in UFOs. Did that concern you when they were president? Every president before Lincoln (except John Quincy Adams) believed in slavery, so should we disregard everything they said and did? Obama believes in Black Liberation Theology, so are you going to run out and call for his impeachment? Are you going to advocate changing the Constitution so that only people who believe in some form of Christianity can be president?

Last edited by Faithful1; 07/08/14 09:31 PM.