Another good story again concerning the deli owner. He also got local business from the school kids. At catholic grammar school was near by they got lunches from him.

Then all of a sudden a guy wants to sell the tenement building next to the deli. No takers the area was going fast. Then the guy got an offer from a place like Covent house to rehab drug addicts. Any time a place like that opens it kills any businesses near them. I think at the time and this was a long time ago. He originally wanted 8 thousand for the building. The drug rehab guys offered the owner 16 thousand. Now the owner was as happy as a pig in shit. But the other businesses and everyone else were very unhappy.

So the deli owner asked another friend to help. His friend goes to see the building owner with the 8 thousand to buy the building. The owner refuses because he got a real offer of 16 thousand. They try to reason with the owner about doing that would kill the neighbor hood faster then it was already dying.

Then the deli owners friend got pissed off. He had him hanging out the window. Then told him to take the 8 thousand or they were going to drop him from 4 flights up. He took the money.

So again the bad guy helped his friend and the neighborhood.

only the unloved hate