Originally Posted By: cheech
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
It's still mostly commercial, but the developers are starting to see dollar signs with the hipster overflow. They won't knock those buildings down, though. Too much work, and it's not really necessary anyway. They'll just bribe the real estate lobby to rezone the properties, and they'll convert them into lofts. It's already happening.

happening everywhere...downtown new haven in the 80s was a shit hole...no one went down there...now 5 star eateries, starbucks, froyo...all the old warehouses like the Smoothie building are lofts. same with the old Starter building.

rememeber the old Starter jackets and what not?...we used to go there after school and try stuff on and run out...little knuckleheads...anyway they left too along with every other industry...if it wasnt for yale, new haven would be detroit. when Winchester guns left it was the beginning of the end.

that was my footread story minus my father being hung wink

Didn't they have WWF wrestling in New Haven. Kids do that now all the time even here at Kings Plaza.

Stealing is fun don't you think.

Once me and my wife saw the opening performance of Chorus Line.

We were on the third row 2 seats from the aisle. No one in those two seats. Then lights go out. Then two people fill those seats a women and a man.

Then I notice it was Jerry Lewis and his first wife. Then I notice the diamond ring on her finger. It's one of those million dollar Tiffany diamonds. I could not take my eyes off it. I'm thinking rip it off her finger and run out. I started to seriously consider it.

But that would mean I would have to leave the wife there. Then I think if I had never met her I would have found someone else just as good. Then I think I should pass on the idea.

At enter mission I told Lewis I just to see him perform live in the movie house just before the movie came on and I though he was fantastic for those ten minutes. Then I told him I used to see him in the copa. That I would stay to see both performances back then.

I did not tell him I came close to trying to rob his wife's Damond ring.

If your going to steal it is better to steal big.

only the unloved hate