Originally Posted By: mulberry
Originally Posted By: Iceman999
Well wasn't Bruno opposed to the casinos? I wonder if knowing there were more amenable people in Philly at the time they, figured that with Gambino dead maybe Castellano would be more open to a profitable regime change?

That was a rumor that he was opposed to getting involved in the casinos, but it was bullshit. The mob back then was all about using unions to extort businesses and get contracts for their businesses. Why would Bruno not allow it?

More likely he was killed because of his own greed and the greed of family members over drugs. He didn't let his own guys deal, but was getting street taxes from others outside the family who were dealing. The same thing happened with Castellano, allowing certain crews to deal and taking money from them, while being outraged over the Bergin Crew dealing.

George Freselone talked about it in his book Blood Oath. He said it had been the belief by many that Bruno was killed because he was keeping the NY families out of AC. Freselone said it was the other way around - Bruno was killed (by Caponigro) because he was letting them in.

I find it believable because, after all, Bruno reportedly didn't want his guys involved in the drug trade despite taking drug money from certain people (much like Castellano). Caponigro resented this, as well as the AC thing, because he saw Bruno as weak, not capitalizing on potential money-making endeavors, and allowing other families into what was traditionally Philadelphia LCN territory.

By the way, as Freselone also mention in his book, prior to the legalization of casino gambling in Atlantic City, the mob's involvement with HEREU Local 54 basically involved Scarfo and his guys using the Local as leverage to shake down bars and restaurants in town for money to avoid the union organizing their employees.

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