Originally Posted By: NNY78
Wondering what other folks opinions are on this. As bad as some of these black hearted guys are I find my self rooting for them to not get caught and when they are finally brought to justice for them to beat the charges and all the while finding what they do to the lives others, especially their families, despicable. I guess part of it is that I'm not fond of the tactics used by law enforcement and the hypocrisy by the government which I find to be very corrupt in its own way. I have to say when these guys beat the FBI/Courts it makes my day. Say what you will about these guys but many of them have a ton of courage,too bad it is so misguided.

Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Ivyleague would call you a fanboy smile

I understand it on some level. It's easier to do so from a distance. Or, for example, rooting for the bad guy in a movie. I found myself rooting for guys like Walt on Breaking Bad or Vic in The Shield, even though they were cold-blooded crooks. But that was just entertainment. It's probably easy for many people to root for real life mob guys (who have been glamorized by Hollywood) when they have no interaction with them and all their crimes are just words on the screen or in a book. But any sane, balanced person - if they take a step back and look at these guys objectively - should be able to right themselves and see them for who they really are.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.