Originally Posted By: sbhc
Organised crime in America seemed to grow and develop from the European immigrants. The two cultures who made the biggest impact were the Irish and the Italians. Both were heavy presence's in the underworld in the late 1800s and early 20th century.

What about other cultures who emigrated to the US? Did the Germans, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese form mobs?

There will likely be criminals of German, Portuguese, French,...descent. Examples are Outfit associate Frank Schweihs (German) or Patriarca associates Joe Barboza and Tim Mello (both Portuguese). But as far as anything resembling their own ethnically based criminal organizations...not as far as I know. In that regard the main surviving ethnically based criminal organizations with a Western European flavor is the Mafia, several smaller Irish organized crime groups in New York, Boston, Philadelphia,...and some other smaller Greek groups (most well known being the Philadelphia Greek Mob).

Jews were once up there too, but that was a long time ago. Jewish organized crime in the USA mainly re-emerged with the 1980's "Russian" influx, many of whom were apparently in fact Ukrainian Jews from Odessa. Two established Russian-American criminal organizations are the so-called "Odessa mafia" and the "Malina organization", both with origins in Odessa.

Criminal groups from the Balkan also emerged, categorized into three type of groups: the "Albanian mafia", "Serbian mafia" and "Bulgarian mafia". Albanian criminal organizations are mostly clan-based networks with origins in Northern Albania and Kosovo. As the USA had an influx of Albanian immigrants, it's only natural that there were some less legit families among them.
Serbian criminal organizations have concentrated more on Europe and aren't that well known in the USA as far as I know. These gangs aren't family based, but resemble corporate networks as they recruit Serbs, Montenegrins but also Bosniaks from the Sandzak region (a Bosniak region on the Serb-Montenegrin border). The two most powerful organizations are the "Zemun clan" and the "Surcin clan", both named after the respective Belgrade neighborhoods from which the leader originated. In the 90s they were far more powerful and dangerous than the Albanians were.
Bulgarian criminal groups also mostly stayed in Europe. They are less publicized than the Albanian and Yugoslavian ones, but they're also very active. Like the Serbians they are far less clannish than the Albanians and also mostly operate in a corporate-like structure. The two best known Bulgarian criminal cartels are the "Multigroup" and the "Intergroup".
Albanian gangs have been publicized a lot in the USA, the Serbian and Bulgarian ones gained a lot less coverage. So I doubt the latter two spread to the USA in major way.