Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
When was the last time that you saw a mobster/street gangster or any other criminal to grow up in a good situated family, which never had any financial problems and major problems inside the family(such as abusive drinker dad for example)?

No offense, PolakVet. But you only believe that because you already live in a very poor country. Here in America, people born to money turn to crime every so often, too. It's a fact of life. And I'm not even talking about the mafia (which is much different here than in Europe anyway). How else do you explain the corporate raiders and stock swindlers who were born to suburban middle class parents?

Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
I don't justify crimes such as murder without a reason or with little reason, neither do I justify pedo's and rapists. These groups should be brought to justice and not by the judge.


Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
But I know that no-one who is good situated will never turn to crime.

Again, it's on an individual basis. You can't make a blanket statement like that about spoiled American criminals without having met them. I knew plenty of kids who were given love and had their basic needs fulfilled (food, shelter, etc.) who turned to crime anyway (and again, I'm not just talking about the mafia, I'm talking about white collar types as well).

Now I agree that it doesn't happen as much with people born to money, but it does happen.Things are just a little different here, Polak. It's never enough for some Americans. Greed is often the motivating factor in America. Not just necessity smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.