You see, in life there is the good and bad side. Everything is between a line that makes it equal. I call it the life path and more or less natural survival.
You live your life and some things happen. For somebody it's his girlfriend that cheated on him, someone else gets blamed on a crime that he didn't do and barely beats the charges or maybe doesn't beat them. It's the things that happen in your life and your task is to learn from them. Like nothing happens without a reason - either you deserved the thing to happen to you or it happened for you to learn and become stronger!


When was the last time that you saw a mobster/street gangster or any other criminal to grow up in a good situated family, which never had any financial problems and major problems inside the family(such as abusive drinker dad for example)?

I don't justify crimes such as murder without a reason or with little reason, neither do I justify pedo's and rapists. These groups should be brought to justice and not by the judge. But I know that no-one who is good situated will never turn to crime.

There is one or more reasons why people have chosen the path of crime. And just blindly shouting "Criminals are scum", I think these people are ignorant, thinking everyone has the same life as they did.