This was my inviorment. We were poor but did not even know we were poor because everyone was poor. Except for the wise guys, but as young kids they wanted nothing to do with us.

The kids were all on the street all day long. With a lot of times on their hands no one played organized sports. It was all street sports.

All the kids were hit by their parents at home. Some worse then others I was getting my head bang against the kitchen wall as a five year old by Daddio. He was just trying to make me good. It did not work.

You can get used to anything including getting hit with a closed fist every day by your father figure. I guy for what ever reason hated your guts. God I miss those beating by Daddio smile

He also hit my brother and my mother. Loved to burn her with cigs. A great husband.

Mom could really cook. But could not do much else could not even kill that fuck in his sleep to save herself and her kids.

So you get Used to getting hit and hitting people. I must have had a fight a day. With all that fighting you get pretty good at it. Helps to get eople to actually listen what you said to them..

Funny as bad as it was I thought my neighborhood was the greatest. In later years I remember it as disney land even now. But now it actually might be?

only the unloved hate