Another question PB, wasn't the reason that no one wanted anything to do with Greg when he got out after the Scores case was because his attempted hit on Nicky Lasorsa (a bronx guy and the one he sponsored for induction) that was supposedly not snctioned?

BY ROBERT GEARTY NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Friday, July 26, 2002, 12:00 AM A A A

As two aging mobsters listened in wheelchairs, a self-confessed killer druglord took the witness stand yesterday and implicated them in a murder-for-hire plot. Sitting steely-eyed in Manhattan Federal Court, Gambino capo Gregory DePalma, 69, and Sam (Fat Man) Cagnina, 66, listened as Jose Reyes said he was recruited to kill a Bronx car dealer while the pair were confined to a federal prison hospital in Missouri. Reyes, 32 - who also uses a wheelchair after a gunshot from a drug rival left him paralyzed in 1992 - testified he went to the authorities after DePalma and Cagnina asked if he could find someone to kill the car dealer, Nicky LaSorsa. Prosecutors said DePalma wanted LaSorsa dead because LaSorsa had muscled in on one of his rackets: the collection of $2,500 a week in protection money from a businessman. Seat cushion wired "He was the reason Nicky was a made guy - and this was the way Nicky was paying him," Reyes testified. Reyes - who is serving a life sentence for his role in seven killings and who pleaded guilty last week to five more - allowed the feds to plant a microphone in the seat cushion of his wheelchair to record conversations with DePalma and Cagnina, who were arrested in September. "When I left he was so . . . jealous, of me, of everything I did. . . . He was nobody. I brought him all around, I gave him a name, this . . .," DePalma said of LaSorsa in one tape. LaSorsa declined to comment yesterday. DePalma's attorney, Robert Ellis, said Reyes made up the murder-for-hire account to reduce his sentence. Cagnina and DePalma are both in federal prison; DePalma is serving a 70-month sentence on federal charges of racketeering, gambling and other crimes.