Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
GArcia was a like a professional undercover. He specialized in working undercover and he did it throughout his whole career on many, many cases for the Feds.

Speaking of this, how do undercover agents manage to work in more than one case? After he traps one organization and blows his cover to testify at the trial, shouldn't his reputation spread throughout the national underworld so he can't repeat the same trick anymore?

National underworld? Has such a thing ever existed? Maybe during the 1950's or so, but even then, if a guy ratted or worked undercover in NY and went to Dallas, would the local boss have phoned up all the other bosses across the country to check on the new guy in town?

Most NY mobsters have never been outside of the NY/NJ area except maybe to Florida. Other than knowing how to run the rackets, deal drugs, and steal, these aren't exactly the most worldly people.