Originally Posted By: vitovito
How important was Robert Vaccaro?

He's as important as his last envelope. Just like the rest of them.

Originally Posted By: vitovito
Whos crew was he with? ( or still is )

Funzi and Louie split that crew up. But Louie's practically retired, so Andy can probably make a claim until Richie comes home next month. Then again, I'll be shocked if Richie doesn't head to Florida and sit in the sun with his compare wink .

Originally Posted By: vitovito
Garcia made him to be a bit of a tough guy!

That's his job. If he made them out to be a bunch of pussies, no one would buy the books. But Vaccaro isn't a punk, if that's what you mean.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.