I don't think Pistone was dirty. if you listen to tapes, it was about Tony Mirra saying that Brasco owed money and was holding it back, this was after Mirra lost a sitdown involving Donnie Brasco to be on record with him and not being on record with Benjamin "Lefty Guns" Ruggiero. It was just a way for Mirra to stir shit up when he lost that sitdown as he never put Brasco on record with him before he went to prison. Once Mirra got out and heard how much of a good earner Pistone was, Tony got mad and wanted Joe to be with him so he could get his hands on that money that Donnie was bringing in.

I agree with PB as Pistone embellious some of his claims. Agent Pistone did go through a hell of a lot more then Garcia did and Garcia was not around mobsters that were in their prime or as sharp as they use to be. Joe had to be extremely careful around the Bonanno's. Massino did not suspect Brasco as a rat, he was jealous of the fact that Donnie was proposed for membership before his brother-in-law Salvatore Vitale.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green