Thanks GV

Appreciate the info and with the details you provided , connecting Galante to the Eboli disappearance seems more than logical. In regards to Andimo I know for certain it was Galante. I have heard the rumors about Ducks being involved and some power struggle but that's not accurate. Andimo was a very low key operator and had as much cash as some bosses with trafficking and he also ran the garment center for the Lucchese for a long time. He was one of the more powerful wise guys many people never heard of , with a lethal crew.

Many say cheating the bosses out of money was the reason Galante was hit but IMO the pressure the bosses were getting internally is what led to the ok . He killed several huge earners and long time respected wise guys without approval , and basically was the type of boss that the commission was set up to prevent . He was certainly tough but also dumb as rocks as he could of had a great life in his later years.

Was Eboli a east harlem or Bronx guy ? As I got the feeling some of Galante hits were personal as well