That 7 guys from Genovese is BS but he did kill at least 1 Genovese capo, not sure of his name tho but he was a big smack dealer

He also hit Andimo Pappadio who was in the Lucchese administration and another big dope dealer .

I also heard he hit a Gambino soldier

There was a lot of internal pressure for the bosses to kill Galante, especially Genovese and Lucchese , that combined with Galante greed did him in but IMO the hits was the big driver . He killed some real heavies that were also huge earners who had a lot of respect in LCN circles , again mainly Genovese and Lucchese .

Galante early retirement was 100% his own doing , if he had some more brains he really could have had some great remaining years as he was so insulated from law enforcement.