Originally Posted By: klydon1
Took a bit of a working vacation at the end of May into early June by attending a seminar in Montreal and extending my stay with my wife. She headed home to her business, but I went to Boston to visit some old law school friends, and my younger son, who had some time off work, flew up to meet me for a couple more days. Unfortunately the Sox were on the road, but we had a lot of fun, had some excellent seafood, and I showed him where I used to live in Newton and Watertown.

With five different schedules in the house for the Summer it's unlikely that we'll all go together on vacation, but there will be a few trips to the shore for us at different times.

I like history I had to go to Boston to kill someone. Just kidding

Any way after I did it just kidding. I got some New England clam chowder. It was unvbeliable.

Then I went to their version of central park. I loved the history of the place. It was where people would find out what was happening in the world from other people.

I was fascinated how so many buildings there are considered land marks.

Saw I firehouse that was a land mark that was still a firehouse. They constructed small fire engines for that fire house. I think it was originally for horse and wagan fire engines.

Funny, there was a sports bar I go in to get a drink. All guys in the place they were watching Boston v Yankees. 3 game series Boston won the first two and they were winning the third game. They are going nuts.

No girls there then I realized it was a gay sports bar. Then I told them all boston maybe winning those games now. But they won't be in the World series and theYankees will win that world series.

That was the last year that the Yankees did win the world series.

only the unloved hate