Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Everybody's a tough guy or "just being honest" until there are consequences to be paid, then they become little bitches.


They live in such fear of being "blackballed" from the entertainment industry (which is the most PC collection of douchebags in the world), that they ultimately apologize a day later.

Now I disagree with just about everything he said, but what happened to his right to say it? Is it fair that conservatives in Hollywood have to keep quiet about their political views to keep working?

Just more proof that the extreme left is all for freedom of speech, unless they don't like what you have to say. And no one should ever have to apologize to Nancy Pelosi. She personifies everything that's wrong with the two party system. Fuck her.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.