Originally Posted By: mldetroit
According to the mob's rules for membership, you must be at least half Italian (on your father's side). However, they really seem to stretch the definition of being half Italian. To most people being half Italian means one of your parents was born in Italy, but this does not seem to be the case. Look at this example:

Example 1) My father was born in the United States. My grandfather was born in the United States. My great-grandfather was also born in the United States. My great-great-grandfather was born in Italy. (this is just a hypothetical example, but according to the rules a man with this lineage could be made)

To most people the above example does not make you truly Italian or even half Italian. But according to the rules, a guy with lineage as in example 1 could be made, correct? (Take Junior Gotti - he was "more" Italian than the guy in example 1 but neither of his parents was born in Italy)

Ive seen you post this before and ive never meet anyone who thinks that. What generation you are really has nothing to do with what percent italian you are. Take me for example, im irish on my mothers side, but on my fathers side both of my grandparents are from sicily, that makes me half italian. My father being born in the US has nothing to do with it.

Anyway the rule about qualifying for membership if your half italian was back in the 90s, supposedly they changed it back to that you have to be 100% italian "so they can trace all your roots back to the old country" haha.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort