Originally posted by QTN:
I wouldn't say ALI was bad, but I was "meh" about it, despite some good acting work by Smith and Jamie BOOTY CALL Foxx(which that nickname I might have to retire soon it seems).

Anyway, ya RAY is a decent good flick, though what will stay is Foxx's acting work which for sure will get him an Oscar nomination(not to mention he might get a nom for Best Supporting Actor for COLLATERAL, but who knows. I mean Al Pacino had this happen in 1992 with his acting work nominated for both SCENT OF A WOMAN and GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS).
Yeah, you're right. "Ali" wasn't bad, but it was ultimately missable.

That's an interesting comparison with Al Pacino's career, but I beg to differ.
I consider it more like Sean Penn's double feature last year. Penn had his mainstream hit "Mystic River", and showed us another great performance in "21 Grams". Both were excellent leading performances. But he was only nominated for one performance, and he won it.
I think the same could be said for Foxx this year. "Ray" is his Oscar worthy performance. Both were leading performances, and both were excellent, but the Academy will, unfairly, only recognize one, and I feel they will recognize his performance in "Ray", which I think was better anyway.

I would like to see Foxx win the Oscar, and it would be interesting to see if Tom gets a Best Actor nomination for "Collateral", and the two go head to head. While I thought it was Cruise's best performance to date, I still feel he won't get a nomination.

How am I not myself?