
Wasn't meant to deflect from the subject. Just to point out obvious contradictions between your stance and points on this topic with the history of your chosen faith.

You are the one deflecting a bit as the ban on priesthood wasn't random and had to be based on things along the lines of what I alluded to(blacks and the devil).

I've read you make comments about LCN, and I've watched people correcting you time and time again. You know even less about Black people than you do about the LCN yet I've read comments you've made about what Blacks should be doing,etc,etc,
You're an "expert" on so many other things that I thought you could be candid and speak with authority about your chosen faith.

You made a statement earlier about how the word of God shouldn't be affected by the votes of man...yet glancing the second link,,,,about offical mormon position on race....I'm reading a lot of "at the time society all felt this way""the prevailing notions of race at the time were". Sounds like a cop out, since theologians throughout europe and in early history of this country challenged the "prevailing notions" about race and slavery.