Originally Posted By: Footreads
I don't really care.

That pretty much sums up the conversations you have with yourself, or repeat under different usernames like this -

Footreads - All beer is crap to me. Incidently the Rich Germans don't drink German beer they drink czech beer.

When I was a kid the Spanish started to invade italiam Harlem. They would drink beer in our hallways. Then they would piss and throw up.

So when I got home I would smell the beer, the piss and throw up. After that I can't drink a beer without having those smells in my head.

Richie Animal - sounds pretty similar rolleyes .

I spend a lot of time in Germany. I have an apartment in Berlin which I have so I can see my Grandson Henry more often and check out some soccer games I love that game.

Any way the Germans with money don't by German beer they buy chec beer. Also their German potatoe salad looks like our regular potatoe salad.

I can't drink beer. I am from Italian Harlem. When the government tried to stop tge heroin business there they through down all the tenements and replaced them with the projects. The Spanish moved into the Neighboorhood. They would drink beer in our hall ways then throw up and take a piss. So when I got home from school I would smell that crap. Now that smell is permeantly in my head anytime I smell beer so I can't drink it any more.

Last edited by Camarel; 06/24/14 06:33 PM.