24. Male porn performers do not bring home all that much bacon. They can make more money performing in gay porn than straight porn, as much as three times as much per film. The term you are looking for is gay for pay.

I saw this on a Louis Theroux documentary about porn. A straight guy doing gay porn, because the pay wasn't close.

15. Almost 60% of Mississippi is white but the number one most searched porn term is ebony followed by gay black. Did we just end racism in Mississippi?

14. Which state in the United States has the largest consumption of porn per capita? Utah. That’s right folks, that was not a typo. Utah has the largest consumption of porn per capita in the US. Bet you didn’t see that one coming.


if you love to see women dressed as Mario having sex with guys dressed as Elmo

I prefer Luigi, but this is normal right?

3. Just about half of the Internet is made up of porn or porn related content. Think about that commies before you go all Red Dawn on boycotting pornography on the Internet.

I heard on QI that less than 1% of the internet is porn, who knows?

Thanks for this NNY78, got a few laughs.