Originally Posted By: klydon1
There's a band composed of four 15 and 16-year old boys, called the Strypes, who are different from all of the gimmicky boy bands out there. Some of you may be familiar with them. The Strypes play their own instruments and have a driving rock and r & b sound, and they're writing their own music. They grew up listening to the Beatles and the Who and some 60s Motown, but also have paid close attention to the performers, who influenced the Beatles and others.

They've been on Letterman, and I was impressed. Right now they're writing and recording and I assume finishing school. I think they'll make a mark on the music world soon.

Is this it KLYD -

If it is i agree they're talented especially the drummer uhwhat , the only problem here is that they are all younger than me i think lol , i'm getting old while young blush .