Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...When the assassins bodies are located in the ditch, at least one of them clearly (at least to me) has a red line across his throat, indicating that he either had his throat cut, or was garroted. Plus, [b]there were no gunshots that anyone heard [/b]
WOW, plaw...you've got better eyes than me! I never really got a good look at the bodies, will have to check that out at next viewing.

I'll agree that throat-cutting is more of a possibility than garroting. This would have to be done quickly, and there would be too much struggling involved in a garroting.

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...I think the ultimate proof, BTW, that Fredo didn't know it was gonna be a hit, was his line to Johnny Ola in the late night telephone call: "You guys lied to me" ..
GREAT catch, I had forgotten about Fredo's phone conversation w/ Johnny Ola!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.