Originally posted by tuneturner:
...What I am referencing is from a GFII script, here is the link:

Finally I started this post to hopefully find out some answers or gather other peoples insight not to prove one and another wrong with their opinions.
Thanks, tuneturner. I figured you had gotten that line from some draft version of the GFII script. In my opinion, if a line wasn't spoken in the film(s) then it isn't a factor. But that's just my opinion...others like to bring them into play.

I'm glad you started the thread to gain insight and opinions. The quesion you happened to begin with which was who killed the would-be assassins is one that has been discussed many times and as you can see, no one has ever come up with an answer that satisfies everyone. Some think it was Fredo, some don't. So if it wasn't Fredo, then who was it? That's where the questions begin and the possibilities are endless.

Sadly, the same question that can lead to interesting threads also can lead to nasty brawls, when people think they've come up with the definitive answer and cannot handle their ideas being challenged. Which of course is what healthy debate is all about!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.