Henry was interviewed several times by Howard Stern,and you could always count on him being sh**faced drunk or high. I think that he was so taken with his supposed "celebrity status" after the movie came out,that he would do or say anything to stay in the public's memory.
Since nobody wants to hear the same old stories,I think Henry just came up with new ones,either to plug another bio,or his cookbook.
It wouldn't surprise me if Henry would have suddenly "remembered" new info on the JFK hit if he thought it could get him back on Stern.
Then again,his brain was so rotted away from booze and dope,that he might have believed it himself.
As Frankie the Fixer said in Wise Guys when Piscopo shot DeVito,"He's dead,f**k him",(then he spits on the ground)the same goes for a piece of sh*t like Henry Hill.