Roe vs Wade - most likely overturned

Social Security - Not sure, but something needs to be done. I really don't fully understand the plan for privatizing it, but would want the option NOT to.

Draft - Yes, no matter what GW (I know Kerry said he wouldn't either), unless we see some end to this mess sometime soon, it'll be unavoidable.

Dem. Nominee - Things can change in the next four years, I don't know. I really don't think Hillary would stand a chance because the nation IMHO is not ready to accept a woman President, no matter who it is. Maybe Edwards.

Rep. Nom. - I am guessing McCain, but feel they'll shoot for Arnold, if his popularity remains high.
Of course, this would mean changing the consitution, but nothing this Administration does or attempts to do should be a surprise.

War will continue for many years to come, unless an end seems in sight. I see NO scenario at this point, to make me think it'll be over any time soon.

Another attack - Yes! Could be anytime. These people are very patient. Could be tomorrow, or in two years. I don't have rose colored glasses on and unfortunately I think it's gonna happen. I will never let my guard down.

Cheney - Alive

Gay marriage - I don't know. This will get a lot of opposition, but not sure if it'll make a difference.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon