Originally posted by Patrick:
Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade?

No, but Bush will definetly make a push for it in 2006.

Social Security is Privatized?

Yes, but he's going to hear about it. Trust me.

Military Draft become necessary?


Democratic Nominee for 2008?


Republican Nominee in 2008?

McCain--Does anyone know much about him? My English teacher, who voted for Kerry, told me McCain would never get a nomination because he's always honest.

Also, for whoever votes for Jeb, it's not going to happen. He was interviewed Monday on Hannity and Colmes and he said that he would definetly NOT run in 2008.

"War on Terror" continues in other countries?

Iran--Better watch out. George will be there soon.
N. Korea--You know we're going to screw around with them a little bit.
Other--I would hope we'd send troops to Sudan.

Iraq war in 2008

Fighting escalates

Big Terrorist attack between now and 2008?

No--I don't see it happening. If there is one, Bush loses all public support. All undecided voters who voted for Bush felt he'd protect them more.

Cheney is dead?


Gay Marriage Amendment passes?

I agree with Pat here, except on a few things.

1) As for a Republican candidate, McCain does seem likely, but will only be used by his party if they need someone to appeal to both sides of a "still" split nation of voters.

2) As much as I think we could be ready for it, America is still not ready for women Pres.

3)I don't think there would be any way any major fighting could be going on in Iraq. There could be resistance groups still attacking American settlements out there, but the Republican administration would never allow four more years of sending over troops to die for, obviously, no more reasons.(Saddam's gone, we win! :rolleyes: )

4)Terrorist Attack-I agree with Patrick, it would kill Bush's credibility. But I honestly think that Bush will ease off on security a bit with his huge inflated ego and let in a small terrorist "attack" somewhere by accident.

5)Cheney will be history.

6)Gays in the future? HA! Not while Dubya's at the helm. :rolleyes:


And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.