Not to re-open old arguments, but....

Although I am pro-choice, I can understand the position of those who are against abortion as along as they don't include cases of rape or those in which the mother's life may be in danger. The pro-lifers have a logical, factual, and defensible postion, IMO.

But I can't for the life of me understand why anyone should care about gay marriage.

I can understand why someone may not be in favor of it, but I can't figure out why anyone would think we need laws against it.

See, for me it's the slippery slope again:

Step 1: Outlaw gay marriage.
Step 2: Outlaw all homosexual sexual activity (many states still do).
Step 3: Outlaw certain sexual practices between heterosexuals.

The other thing I don't understand is how everyone can be so certain that there won't be a draft.

I believe that Congress and the President have no plans for one. But circumstances can change.

1) Suppose insurgent activity increases, and Bush decides we have to send more troops to Iraq to either put down the insurgents or prop up the newly elected government?

2) Suppose there's an election in Iraq, and the government is deposed through some sort of coup, and Bush feels that we have to send in more troops to remove the new government?

3) Suppose we are attacked by a terrorist organization other than Al Qaeda which is headquartered in another Arab country and supported by that governemnt, and we have to invade that country like we did in Afghanistan?

4) Suppose the government of Pakistan is deposed, and taken over by The Taliban or a similar organization, and we have to send troops over there? (And Pakistan is a country that absolutely does have WMDs.)

5) Suppose it becomes necessary to take military action against Iran and/or North Korea?

Suppose some or all of these things happen? I'm not saying they will, but they could.

Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not against a draft if one should be necessary. My question is: Where are all of these troops gonna come from without a draft, and how can everyone be so sure that we won't have one?

"Difficult....not impossible"