Roe Vs Wade overturned

Some cases of privitization of social security, but only in a sort experimentary way.

Draft? Absolutely not.

Democratic Nominee? Who the fuck knows. I hope Clinton, because any Republican candidate would rip her apart in a landslide election.

Republican nominee? McCain but techinically he could run for either party. Hes not as right as I would like him to be, and I really dont care for him. But he might be the happy medium between the parties that this country needs.

War on terror increases to Iran, and perhaps Syria. Not North Korea.

Iraq War? Troops out by '08.

Terrorist attack by '08? No and heres why. The greatest insentive and oppurtunity for the terrorists to attack would probably have been in the past two or three weeks. But they didnt. Instead of sending a dirty bomb, Osama sent a fucking video tape. If that doesnt symbolize their power at the present, then i dont know what does.

Cheney dead? I certainly hope not.

Gay marriage ammendment? Passes god willing. Keep up the good work W.

"You can shear a sheep many times, but you can skin him only once."
-Amarillo Slim