Originally Posted By: Footreads
Little Italy and 18 ave in Brooklyn went from Italian to 75 percent or more Chinese.

The feast I never liked it because it was always too crowded for my taste. If you go to that feast put a rubber band around your wallet. So you can tell if someone try's to lift it from your pocket. A lot of pick pockets during the feast.

The area is still safe

East Harlem where I was born was all Italian. Them it became Hispanic when they build the projects. Now it has become yuppie land smile some Spanish guy was complaint that the Hispanics are being pushed out. I told him now you know I felt when the Italians were pushed out.

Want to live near Rao's small studio is 2000 a month.

I think next time I go to east Harlem I am going to go during the day.

I am going to go to St.Anns grammar school. Break in go to the second floor where my kinder garden class was. There was a porch where if you were good you could go out for recess toys were there to play with.

I went the whole year and I never got out on that porch I always did something bad so I never got out there. I have been complaining about that for 69 years. I tell that story to my kids and to my grand kids. I think part of the reason they never let me out there was because the teacher was a fraud I would throw a class mate off that balcony.

The other thing I would do is go over the walking bridge to wards island. We flew kites from that bridge.

Wards island was like the country. You go there they had trees and not tenements.

But what they did have was a nut house smile it was fenced off there was a place where they held the insane there.

I felt bad for them because if it was not for luck I would have been housed in that place. Just before I left Harlem some friends of mine and I went to wards island with wire cutters and made a hole in the fence so they could get out. See we had a sense of humor

I enjoy reading posts like this. I wish someone would write a book about italian harlem. Not necessarily the mob stuff, but about the characters in the neighborhood.

Last edited by Flushing; 06/09/14 08:23 PM.