Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
Honestly fucking pathetic & disgraceful what is happening to This country, especially in big cultural metropolises like NY, Chi, Boston, SF. Shameful.

The Hill in St Louis is still largely Italian, although few new immigrants. The Hill is the home of Yogi Berra and Joe Garagiola.

I understand that even today when a home in the neighborhood goes up for sale, they just don't sell it you unless you last name ends in a vowel. It was rumored that for years, the St Ambrose parish priests interviewed prospective buyers and would not approve of anyone unless they were Italian.

I usually go for a dinner on The Hill when I go back to visit family. The neighborhood has not changed - perfectly manicured lawns, houses are very well kept, the fire hydrants are painted like Italian flags, the same restaurants and stores remain.....

I like neighborhoods that retain their heritage.

On the other hand, the Irish neighborhood in St Louis, Kerry Patch, is probably one of the worst ghetto's in the city. I drove by the house my grandfather lived in as a kid a few years ago and it looked like a crack house. In 20 years it will probably be re-vitalized and gentrified.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.