Originally posted by Don'tForgetTheCannolis:
...How do you really know what Michael was thinking when he gave that look you don't.
And how do YOU know? Obviously, you don't.

Originally posted by Don'tForgetTheCannolis:
...So why don't you take into consideration what i'm saying.
Actually, I have been taking EVERYTHING you say into consideration...and have to say it's been quite an entertaining couple of days!!

Originally posted by Don'tForgetTheCannolis:
...Had it been just a misunderstanding and Fredo had been mis-led then I tend to believe Michael might not have killed him...
That's where you're flat out wrong. Whether it was a 'misunderstanding' on Fredo's part (and you're putting that pretty kindly), or whether Fredo had deliberately set Michael up to be murdered (which of course we all know he didn't do)...Michael would've ultimately had him killed either way.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.