That was a work of art. When Brando tells his girl friend he had something to do with her brothers death. You could not hear him say it because of the boat horn noise, and you just saw her facial expression. What a moment in film.

They tried to copy that moment in the movie the firm when cruise told his wife their house was buged with the music from the sterio blasting. Then you see the wife's facial expression.

Remember the character Herman monster and the judge in cousin Vinnie the actor Fred Guinn had a minor role in on the waterfront and do did the boxer two ton tony Galento.

In honor of this movie I will tell you a water front joke.

A steam ship pulls into new York arbor. A crew comes in on a truck to unload it.

The crew boss gets out of the truck and tells the workers how he wants it done.

First he introduces a new man to tge crew. This is Mario just arrived from Italy.

Crew boss says today we are unloading bags of fertizer. I go on the ship take off a bag. I had it to Lou, he hands it to Leo, he hands it to bob, he hands it to Stevie, and he hands it to Mario and you put the bag on the truck.

Then he says to Mario work hard and one day you will do what I do.

Mario says excuse me boss but aren't we all doing the same thing? Everyone one on the crew starts to laugh at Mario. Mario is confused then the crew boss tells him no Mario. I am boss and I take no shit from nobody smile

only the unloved hate