Originally Posted By: mldetroit
And just because Chazz said "I heard your doing drugs, you should stay away from drugs".....is he stunned that a statement like that didn't stop a heroin addict from using heroin?

No offense, but you have no idea how many times this kid fucked up and they covered it up for him. The Yonkers PD were at his house once a week before that incident. I know several people who know this kid intimately, and to a man, they all say he's been a trouble making little creep all his life.

Now I'm all for programs that help junkies straighten their lives out, but after a certain amount of times enough is enough. A cop is dead because of that scumbag's need to get high. Fuck him. Fuck his parents for adopting him from fucking Bogota of all places. And fuck his twelve stepping enablers.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.