Originally Posted By: GaryMartin
I believe this film has potential. DeNiro is a great actor, but Pattinson is questionable. Maybe Mad Sam could play a vampire !

Lots of potential movies could be made from Outfit history. DeStefano would be a good choice (IMO). Family Secrets could include different eras and people. What about Harry Aleman and the Billy Logan murder? Also, "When Corruption Was King."

I've yet to see a good Giancana movie, but the potential is there for one.

There's always some Giancana biopic in pre production. It always falls through. Mooney was a very unique, larger than life figure that would be daunting to try & pull off. The only attempt made so far was by Turturro in an HBO film called "Sam & Phyllis" or something. Oh boy, was it terrible!

Not sure about Aleman, he was just a hitter, and I'm sure they'd find a way to half ass it & just make it about some random crazy hitman, with Chicago & the Outfit being afterthoughts. Too bad, because his story is fascinating.

Mark Wahlberg secured the rights to When Corruption Was King, but I don't have high hopes for whatever he's got planned. That story is tailor made for a Hollywood to ignore the Chicago Mafia culture it's embedded in & just focus on the plot itself.