Has anyone else been to it? Not the one near the strip.. But the real one in downtown Vegas? My wife and I go to vegas 3-4 times a year(Live in Phoenix its a 4 hour drive), I finally got a chance to go check it out. Its in an old courthouse that had a little of the mob hearings back in the day.

They have a lot of mob history in that place. The wall of the Valentine day massacre, where you can clearly see bullet damage. They have Albert Anastasia's chair he was in when he got put down. They a lot of other stuff there too. Official documents and FBI wiretap recordings of Gotti and others.

They also have a breakdown of every major mob family that existed in the US, what city, etc. They have had a mob family in Phoenix, that I had never heard about before. I think it was an interesting look not at just the mob but history too. I had a good time, my wife who has no interest in this stuff had a good time too.

It would probably be better to go during the day than at night, because it does take 2-3 hours to go through the entire place. It's 3 stories tall and you start out at the top and make your way down.

Im sure I missed other mistakes.. But the only one that was blatantly wrong was they had a little movie on mob murders and killers. They talked about Demeo's crew, and when they were referring to them, they only showed a pic of Roy, the lounge and when referring to the crew showed not any of the actual crew. Just a fucking picture of Kluklinski. That was annoying.. otherwise it was excellent.