It depends upon what someone wants to do with their life, or what they want to study.

It is true that way too many people go to college or a university, graduate, and then do not use their degree at all.

But far more people attend a college even as a fulltime student and drop out, flunk out, or do not graduate since they realize college or a university is not for them.

Teachers are needed but way too many people major in just education and then after graduating they can't get hired for a fulltime teaching job.

Friends of mine who have a Masters in education have had a lot of difficulty getting hired to be a fulltime teacher too, and not all of them majored in education.

My friends that majored in something else like English, History/Poli-Sci, or a business degree and then got a teaching certificate or Masters in Edu have had far better luck getting hired than people who majored in education.

When I was in college to save money my first two years I went to a local college I could commute to and take smaller classes, and save money, and then transfer my credits to a major university and still graduate on time. Friends of mine who went to a local JC/CC did this too.

Last edited by Italianheritage; 05/28/14 05:22 PM.