Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
@dixie: no offense, but being a union worker who makes money is not impressive. Unions are legalized extortion. I deal with them on a monthly basis. Guys who make 38 an hour who if they worked for me would be making 15.

That's not the point. The point is people don't want to get out and WORK these days. The IBEW does more than just give me a good paycheck, they also make sure companies are required to pay me well on the road and not work me more than I should when I have my life in my hands. Just because you might work with the Teamsters who are crooks doesn't mean others are the same way.

So you telling me I should really go out and work for a measly $15 an hour with one of the most dangerous jobs in the world? Are you that dumb? I wouldn't step out of my door for that and walk to my truck, I'm a professional and they will pay me for such work. If they want shit work then they can hire for $15 an hour and they'll get $15 an hour type of work too. I earned my way up and wasn't given shit by the union or anyone else. My point is I make 2x what the average worker makes here in this state and when I travel up North I make their scale which is much higher. That is what happens when you work hard and learn what you are supposed to and work safe. Meanwhile kids are working at McDonald's whining that they don't make enough to flip fucking meat all day. Get the point now? Not enough people push WORK for a living, too many think they can go to college, get smart, then work in a cubicle making 100k a year right off the bat.

Like PB said we need the balance in this country, we have too many WANTS and not enough DRIVE. People spend more time bitching and saying they will not do a certain job and our economy is suffering for it. Meanwhile the government is telling and showing everyone how to live for free off of them and people are eating that shit up. Get out, start at the bottom, and make something of yourself instead of mooching off of everyone on your way to the top. The only way we are getting out of this rough economy is putting in work like our parents and Grandparents did, working your ass off.