Anybody who blindly recommends college, or anything else is not doing anybody any favors. But I think we are in agreement over higher education leading to more options. Trade school, college, military training, apprenticeships, to me all fall under the same boat. Training/education leading to degree/certification/license which gives you more options.

As far as traditional higher education, there will always be concentrations/majors that are more "valuable" than others in the market place. Always going to be factors/trends that affect this . My joke about the obscure major "short european dictators" was meant to highlight just that.

Speaking of options...people should explore all their options when it comes to the high cost of college....rotc, attending a community college, attending a cc and then transferring to four year school, working and going to school part time. From what you're telling me, kids of middle class backgrounds are just gonna have to adapt the way kid from poor backgrounds have had to to finance their educations.