I paid 150 thousand for my daughters college education. You know the communist smile. Graduated with honors from Columbia University.

She got an award for German culture and language from the German consulate. We are not German. I don't even drink beer.

She had a chance to spend a semester in Berlin.Fell in love with the place. She graduated in 2002. With in weeks if her graduation she moved to Germany,

When she went looking for a job there here degree with honors from Columbia meant shit there?

They asked her want skills do you have what trade do you have.

She was not going to come home so I was sending her 4000 thousand Euros a month DI she could survive till she got a jobs.

She was a a guide for predominately american tourists. She taught little German children English.at a university she did translation work from German to English.

The unemployment rate in Germany at that time is what it really is here now about 15 percent.

If a non Germany was hired by a Germany company. They had to send the Germany government why a German could not do that job.

We should do that here in the USA but we don't.

She was book smart she did manage to get a job in a German pharamadtical company. Now she opens up offices for them all over the world. There is one here in NJ.

only the unloved hate