Originally Posted By: ItalianForever

I have to really think about college just like i would anything else im putting money into, as an investment. The goal and purpose of a degree is to get a job and make a living. Knowledge without a living means nothing. If you got knowledge but no living then your just the smartest most sarcastic jackass at the bar.


I think that's a pretty limited viewpoint.Purpose of higher learning is to become educated and expand your job, career, and entrepreneurial options.
You are right that we all have to make a living and you don't want your kids taking up majors like "16th century european dictators under 6 feet tall" BUT...don't let the fact that you did well for yourself without a degree cloud your thinking.

My father wouldn't have swallowed so much shit in his life were it not for his desire for all of his children to get degrees and have more options than he did.