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Pay the bribe or take the bullet, the Mexican cartels warn US drivers on Mexican border.
The Mexican mafia have taken over some US border billboards and warned people to pay bribes or take a bullet, scaring drivers and citizens along the Mexican border.

The brutal warnings with mannequins hung from the road signs reinforced the brutal message, “Plato o plomo” (silver or lead) a message that means 'pay the bribe or get a bullet', according to mafia experts.

The warnings in the border town of El Paso, echoe the direct threats issued by major Mexican cartels for many years across the border, recently appeared on the billboards without notice and as yet, there is no indication as to who put them up.

Police have since brought them down but the investigation continues, as the human effigies have also been taken down.

Across the border, real bodies often are found hanging down from bridges and buildings as a direct threat to those not co-operating with the Cartels.

"Whoever did this went through a lot of work to get this accomplished. This is possibly a message to someone who hasn't cooperated with the cartels. But even if it's a hoax, something like this is going to make the El Paso population uneasy, given that the city is not far from the killing fields of Mexico,” Phil Jordan, a former DEA agent who has worked on the border told the NY Daily News.