LOL at you thinking I am border agent but no sadly I am not a border accent just a regular college student that wants to be a truck driver. I know a thing or two about cartels in Mexico but besides that I don't know shit about American gangs especially the mob but the mob seems a lot more sophisticated than the cartels. As you can not compare the corruption in Mexico than in the U.S. I guess lobbying is a legit form of corruption here in the U.S tongue. I think the cartels are more comparable to the mob in the 1920s where corruption in the U.S was similar to that of present Mexico and gangsters were much more brazen because of their political and law enforcement connections. The cartels wouldn't have much power if they legalize drugs. Without corruption the cartels can't operate. It's all about the cash that make them so powerful but now they are starting g to operate more like an organized crime group exerting their lower unto local politician, businessmen and other criminals via their extortion and kidnapping for ransom. Back in the day the cartels were much smaller in scope and man power and operations operated in the shadows. Regular citizens weren't affected by them and didn't even knew who these shadowy drug bosses were. People knew about Chapo and Caro Quintero but only by name they had no idea what they become or how much power these capos held. Over the years they(cartels) have transformed themselves into more organized groups relying less on corruption and more on intimidation and man power. It's truly a shame what they have done to Mexico. Not in a million years I would of thought Mexico would become like this.

But not to get off tracked but how much money do you think the whole Genovese make a year. Honestly. Also the whole drug bosses being billionair is is bullshit. There are probably a few that could be billionaires like Amado or Chapo but the vast majority of them are multimillionaires. Osiel Cardenas had 250 million dollars under his name or so it said but I believe these figures more than Forbes naming Chapo a billionaire. I personally don't think he was, neither did Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Z-40 the car washer made 50-100 million and he was one of Los Zetas top dogs.