Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[b]Come on guys. Stop with the Kerry/Liberal bashing. Think about how hopeless you would feel if you had lost.
We really would feel hopeless, although Kerry did have a "PLAN." Or something. Custer had a plan, too.


I will stop with the liberal bashing (note, my political figure bashing is related to actual incidents) of BB members when:

a.) Michael Moore loving is quelled.
b.) You acknowledge Bush won fairly (in '00 and '04)
c.) You stop the conservative/Bush bashing.

El Presidente [/b][/quote]Wow, your first comment on Kerry's loss and you already mock him some more. WOW!

A) If Moore continues to make powerful, accuarate films. I will continue to praise him.
B)I belive he won this election, but I will always question '00.
C)I will always be critical of Bush, but I will never make careless comments on him.

Doctor Ferro [/b][/quote]1.) He has to make an accurate film first. Praise him all you want for making a film, but don't call it accurate if the "facts" are clearly skewed and have been disproven by many people.

2.) Well, you shouldn't, no one should. Bush won the electoral, but not the popular in 2000, just like John Adams did (2nd President), Andrew Jackson, and a bevy of others.

3.) You can be critical all you want of Bush.

Just know we will be here to keep those comments in check.

El Presidente